To meet the increasing demand for Chinese children's books from parents, ICRA launched the starBook Program in 2019. This program aims to offer Chinese book resources to children up to 6 years old who want to learn Chinese and Chinese culture. To achieve this, ICRA is focusing on two activities below:
1. Partner with public libraries and donate children’s books in Chinese to local communities
2. Assist libraries in sorting and compiling books, as well as maintaining system records
随着家长对于儿童绘本需求的不断增高,ICRA于2019下半年开始starBook项目,从中国采集0-6岁优质中文绘本捐至地方公立图书馆,便于家长借阅,为孩子们提供更加多样性的阅读资源。 同时,ICRA志愿者也会帮助图书馆进行中文绘本系统录入及整合。
To make sure that we always donate the best books for children, we need your input! Feel free to recommend books you want to us and provide us with your comments on books. We will select books to donate according to your recommendations and feedback. So do not hesitate! Let us know!
为了保证我们捐赠儿童绘本的质量,我们需要你!请积极向我们推荐您认为不错的绘本,并对我们已有的绘本进行评价打分,我们会根据所有家长的推荐和反馈定期采购并捐赠至地方公共图书馆 : )
Check out our Book List! This is a high-quality Chinese children's book list. Thanks to our volunteers and all parents who recommend books and provide their book comments to us, we are able to compile all these great books! Whether you want to buy some books for your children or you want to borrow books from local libraries, it will be a great database to explore.
To learn more about how to borrow Chinese children's books and to receive our lastest book donation news, please scan the QR code and follow our wechat account. More importantly, do not forget to leave comments under related articles to let us know which libraries you want us to donate to!
感谢所有ICRA志愿者以及所有家长的配合和付出,我们有机会为大家提供一个高质量的儿童绘本书单。无论您是想为孩子采购儿童绘本,还是希望从地方图书馆借阅,这份书单将会是一个很好的参考资源! 如果希望了解如何从图书馆借阅中文儿童绘本,以及希望收到项目捐书的最新资讯,请扫描二维码关注我们的微信公众号。欢迎大家踊跃在公号文章下留言,告诉我们你们在哪里!我们捐哪里!
Thank you! We appreciate any kind of support. There are many ways to contribute:
For more information, please check out the Get Involved page.
我们希望starBook项目可以为所有热爱中国文化希望学习汉语的小朋友们做出贡献,感谢一直以来所有家长及志愿者对我们的支持与帮助, 如果您想以任何方式助力starBook项目,欢迎联系我们,更多信息请跳转至Get Involved页面。真心感谢大家的喜爱与支持 : )
International Chinese Reading Association
501(c)(3) Non profit Organization